As a survivor of campus gun violence, I became involved in the campus carry debate in 2011 as a graduate student when I learned that Texas legislators filed a campus carry bill. Through my work in many states, I have witnessed numerous legislative floor debates on the merits of campus carry.

The only “convincing” argument that one can make for campus carry is related to their Second Amendment right, and even that is debatable based on relevant court cases.

While there are many arguments against campus carry that deal with logical consequences (weapons negatively alter the learning environment, increase the likelihood of accidents and theft, becomes a tool for those who are suicidal or homicidal), and popular opinion (the large majority of faculty, staff and students oppose campus carry), the statistics alone present a compelling argument against allowing concealed weapons on campus.

College and university campuses are already safer than other public places. Introducing concealed weapons will not deter or reduce any campus crime. Additionally, if any truth existed that “more guns; less crime,” sexual and aggravated assault, homicide and robberies would not exist in this country given the number of guns that exist.

In a 2015 study that appeared in the Journal of Criminology, researchers from Texas A&M University took 10 years of FBI crime data from 500 counties in four states. By comparing the crime rates both before and after the implementation of concealed weapons, the crime rates were not affected by the number of concealed carry permits in that area, showing that armed citizens do not deter crime.

Additionally, no statistical evidence that criminals choose “gun-free zones” exists. Mass shooters and other criminals have an emotional connection with the place or person that becomes their target, whether it be a school, church, workplace or home. Mass shooters do not assess the situation to determine how many people may be possibly harmed, but by how much damage they can cause in a short amount of time.

In a recent study, which can be found on the Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus’ website, I compared campus, state and national crime statistics. In the states that permit concealed weapons on campus, the violent crime rate actually increased at a faster rate than their respective state and the national average. This is not to say, however, that having concealed weapons on campus increases crime, but it certainly disproves the common argument that the presence of concealed weapons is enough to deter crime.

A study conducted by the Department of Justice found that 93 percent of violent crimes that victimized college students happened off campus. More important, victims of sexual assault were four times more likely to be victimized by someone they know rather than a stranger.

Some would argue that it is more difficult to use a gun on someone you know not to mention the risk that the firearm could be wrestled away and used against the victim. Sexual assault frequently includes psychological coercion, rather than physical force alone. On college campuses, 87 percent of sexual assault victims reported that no weapon was involved during their attack, but 41 percent reported that their abuser was under the influence of drugs or alcohol while 37 percent were unsure.

Finally, in addition to students, concealed firearms are also a threat to faculty and staff. The American Journal of Public Health reports that workplace violence is a serious risk with the presence of guns. In areas where concealed weapons are permitted, workers face a five times greater risk that a homicide may occur.

Campus carry is a solution to a problem that does not exist. By trying to prevent violence on campus without weapons, an opportunity for community building presents itself. When students, faculty, staff and police communicate the safety needs on campus, the campus community becomes one of trust and what was once considered a campus family. By arming individuals on campus, you lose the trust of those around you.

The only purpose of campus carry legislation is to make those who already carry on campus “law abiding.” Texas Rep. Allen Fletcher, a Republican, stated during a campus carry debate, “With all due respect, it’s my contention that they’re already carrying on campus. And what this bill does is keep … them from putting themselves in a position … from breaking the law of our state.”

With campus carry, no crime will be deterred and no mass shootings will be stopped. Campus carry only reduces the anxiety of permit holders because they will never be separated from their weapon, while increasing the risks of suicide, homicide and injury to innocent people on campus.